Travis is an amazing greyhound. Remarkable is more like it. An agility superstar. An obedience god. A dock diving master. Not to mention a fabulous companion. The achievements of this amazing dog are really just a testament to Jen and Stephen's love and devotion to him.
But life is unfair. And suddenly Travis is ill. Possibly liver disease, although vets really aren't sure. So, I post this here so that as many people as possible can send good thoughts to Travis and offer encouragement to Jen and Stephen. If any greyhound can pull off a miracle, it would be Travis. He's an awesome ambassador for our breed. Hopefully Travis can dodge this obstacle that life has thrown at him with the grace that he makes his way through the weave poles.
Thanks GBD for the well wishes...
NSNG Kennel/Dog Show Mule
we're all pulling for travis. keep us posted.
Thanks GBD!
Seka and Roxy's grandmother, Mem, sends along good wished for Travis.
Oh my, how horrible for you heather:-( you're so right about life just changing in an instant...
We're all pulling for Travis.
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