I've never read a fantasy book until this four-book series, but I can't but them down. Like reading under the covers until 2 a.m., can't put them down. Who cares that these books were originally written for teenagers? I've totally created my Team Edward shirt and I will be wearing it at midnight on November 21 when the movie opens alongside all the other adult women who love this book as much as I do. Oh - I've also discovered a few great podcasts as well. OK, obsessed is a bit of an understatement.

We typically walk in the evening around 7-ish. It's around 85 degrees by then. Sure it's still a sauna outside, but at least the sun isn't beating down on you. I got the bright idea on Saturday morning to take the girls out at 9 a.m. It wasn't all that hot out and somewhat overcast. What I didn't plan for the weather phenomena where the sun rises as the day gets goes on, burning off the clouds, and increasing the temperature ten-fold. So here we are, 2 miles in, GBD is about to croak from heat stroke (drooling really isn't her best look), we've slowed to a snail's pace and I'm wondering how many phone calls to the house it's going to take to get Kev to wake up and come and get us in the car.
And then the girls uncharacteristically pull me to their sanctuary - our neighborhood pond. It's rather large, but my two girls ran toward it like they had been swimming in it for years. We found a somewhat safe edge for them to wade into - Seka just gets in enough to lay down, while Roxy walks in all the way up to

Now on every walk my two swamp monsters want to take a dip, no matter the temperature. I remind them that the swamp is there only for emergencies and maybe for their Halloween costumes if they want to go as the Swamp Thing. However, I think they both would make really cute vampires.
I bet that smells lovely..swampy wet dog..
Shiloh is horrible about just laying in any old puddle..
wow...y'all are making me tired just reading this...wonder what it would take to whip Amber, Josephine, and Amy into shape? I know two out of three would work for marshmallows...
Spooky LOVED getting in the lake at the farm and her curly tail would pick up all kinds of swamp crap. Peanut is also a swamp lover and even swims...after the geese:-/.
My little sis has the entire twilight series. You've gotten me quite intrigued. I'm always looking for the next great read (or audiobook). Gonna have to check this out!
Rosie and I have been doing similar walking "training" and Nick had come along the last couple of days. We had to slow down some for him though. You'd think he'd be in better shape just coming off the track. Hasn't raced since June though. I've heard great things about the twilight series. Maybe I'll give them a try.
Zan & Gyeong, give Meyer's series a try. Zan - kill two birds with one stone and get the audio book and listen while you walk! Remember, Nick is a sprinter - not a distance runner. After 2 miles, my girls are WHIPPED. 3 miles kill them really, but it's good for them.
mmm manky dogs.
did you have 60s beach music playing during your Swamp Dogs from Planet H movie?
how did you feel about the last book? i noticed on amazon that it gets 5 or 1 stars. people are pissed or happy. i haven't met a happy one yet. i haven't started those books... yet. have them, though.
I LOVED LOVED LOVED book one. LOVED LOVED LOVED book two. LOVED LOVED LOVED book three. I'm almost done with book four and I love it too. I'm happy with the way she developed the characters. I don't know what people wanted from her. I think you'll like them.
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