Seka has been at the vet since Saturday, after the biting incident and I had hoped to have her home with me today. Unfortunately, she must spend another night there. Her ear is very sore and the vet is worried she has developed a secondary infection despite the IV antibiotics she's been on. They've still got the drain in her neck, which they thought would come out Tuesday, but it is still draining tons of goo, so it needs to stay in and keep getting flushed regularly.
We are all having a competition around here as to who misses Seka more. Kevin claims it is he who is most heartbroken over her absence since he had to be here alone without both Seka and myself for three days while I was away on business. I on the other hand claim it has to be me since I have done nothing but think about her while I was away and wanted to have her here when I got home. But I think Roxy is winning the self-pity party. She just mopes around. She doesn't run in the backyard. She doesn't get excited about anything at all, including dinner time. It is clear that time is passing very slowly for her while she's waiting for her sister to return. She misses her buddy. We all miss her.
I'm so sorry your girl still isn't home.
As long as she comes home all fixed up.
Even when we are on vacation, by day three, we really start missing the kids and start considering cutting our vacation short :)
aw. and she doesn't know GBD is ever coming back. that's so sad. won't she be so excited when she comes?!
maybe get a smile in?
We're so sorry that our dogs didn't get along at the very end of their stay. When Lauralee told me about the incident, my heart sank. It sounds like she's making a great recovery, which is quite relieving, to say the least. I don't know what came over Charley, but we are still new to this greyhound stuff and are learning that they are not like any other dogs.
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