Seka isn't as worried about such embarrassing situations. It was time to wash the evil Orvis bed's cover last week. This is a task I don't do very often because those stupid pellets that stuff the bed seem to escape and make my living room look like a snow globe that needs to be shaken.
The evil Orvis bed has become Seka's favorite. I have no idea why since she avoided it for the first six months it was in our house. Trying to be a nice mommy, I brought the bed back upstairs after removing the cover so she could have her mid-evening (7p-9p) nap in her favorite spot.
I didn't think much of it until a loud noise on the TV woke her up and I caught a glimpse of her face. Instead of being a good mom and immediately removing the embarrassing white balls, I grabbed my camera (I was a good blogger instead).